
PILATES WIN: Beating my 5k time using Pilates

Post Race Endorphins!   Me & my sister Kendra who ran beside me!
I am, admittedly, a terrible runner. I have imbalances in my body and get aches and pains after every attempt to run (knee & back). So, naturally, I don't love running and yet, something about it is a bit alluring and keeps me coming back. I want to be good at it...or at least better than I am.  So far, I've run two 5K races in my life.

My 1st Race: TC Harvest Stompede

The run in Traverse City was up and down a wine vineyard was a jog/walk combo that pushed me mentally and physically. I trained a bit by doing a recommended 5k training regimen and injured my ankle & knee the week before the race so I took a break. I, proudly, still managed a 32:14 finish time. Woot, win for me.

Race #2: Fun Run w/Sister

This time around I was going to take it easy and have a "FUN" run. Whatever that is. :) Ha ha. More walk than jog, I guess! I "trained" not by running but by doing Body Barre classes and Pilates (Reformer and Mat). I have never felt like running built the strength the weak muscles of my legs so I wanted the holistic strength Pilates/Barre could give me.  Happily, I admit,  IT PAID OFF! Not a single day was spent running to prepare for this race and I had the muscular strength and endurance to RUN THE WHOLE TIME (no walking breaks).  That's huge. I've NEVER RUN that far without a break.  I clocked in at over 2 minutes quicker than I had in my 1st race = 29:50.

That, to me, is a win.  Not just for my body which is, thankfully, pain free, but for Pilates.  :) I'm thankful I now have this tool in my belt like a secret to working towards better times!